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To All Ladies: These 10 Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore!

Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecological

cancer in women with the highest mortality rate, mostly

Only 50% of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer

survive five years after the initial diagnosis.

This is because the cancer is in advanced stage. With early detection, however, this percent can increase up to 95%.

Did you know that Women can develop ovarian cancer at any age?

But it is more likely to occur in women who are 50 or older. More than half of the cases are women at the age of 65 and older.

We listed below the early warning signs of ovarian cancer:

1. Abdominal Bloating or Swelling – General discomfort in the lower abdomen may also indicate that something is wrong with your ovaries. Symptoms like bloating, expansion of your belly, gas, indigestion, heartburn and nausea are common.

2. Constant Fatigue – If you feel very tired all the time or feel like sleeping more and more without any changes in your daily routine, it can signal an underlying condition, including many types of cancer. Note: Cancer can result in a reduced number of healthy red blood cells, which causes anemia and constant fatigue due to a decreased supply of oxygen being delivered throughout the body

3. Changes in Bowel Habits

– If you notice changes in your bowel habits, such as

constipation or diarrhea, it can be a telltale sign of ovarian

cancer. Women suffering from this cancer may complain

about changes in bowel habits off and on.

Note: The sudden change in bowel habits happen when

the tumor swells and exerts pressure on the stomach,

bowel and bladder. Depending upon the area on which the

pressure is exerted, it can lead to either constipation or


4. Difficulty Eating or Getting Full Quickly

– If you are a good eater and suddenly notice a loss of

appetite or you are getting full after eating just a few bites

of food, this is not a good sign.

Note: It can indicate a bigger health issue, including

ovarian cancer. Furthermore, losing your characteristic

appetite will result in weight loss and constant fatigue.

5. Frequent or Urgent Need to Urinate

– Sudden changes in urinary habits can also be a

symptom of ovarian cancer. There may be changes in the

frequency of urination, loss of bladder control

(incontinence) or spotting blood with urine.

Note: Urinary changes most likely originate due to the

pressure from the tumor or from fluid in the abdomen

prompted by the presence of the tumor.

6. Uncomfortable or Painful Intercourse

– Painful intercourse, medically known as dyspareunia, is

another early indication of ovarian cancer. The presence

of a tumor in or around the area surrounding an ovary can

make intercourse extremely painful. There may even be

mild vaginal bleeding after the intercourse.

7. Lower Back Pain

– Women suffering from this cancer often experience pain

in their back that radiates to the pelvic area. The pain

tends to increase in intensity with time, making it hard to

carry out day-to-day activities.

Note: The growth of the tumor on an ovary exerts pressure

on and causes pain in different parts of the body, including

the lower back.

8. Private Part Abnormalities

– Another early warning sign noted by ovarian cancer

patients is spotting or postmenopausal private part

bleeding. Due to the spread of cancer to nearby tissues,

new and abnormal capillaries are formed that break easily

and cause bleeding.

9. Pelvic or Abdominal Pain

– The growth of a tumor in an ovary causes pelvic or

abdominal pain. The tumor exerts pressure on and around

the surrounding areas, leading to intense pain. In cases of

ovarian cancer, the pain persists for weeks.

Notel: If you are 50 years of age or older and experience

pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area, consult a

doctor for a pelvic exam.

10. Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing

– Having shortness of breath or difficulty breathing is also

quite common in women with cancer of the ovary. As the

cancer spreads to nearby areas, it leads to a buildup of

fluid in the abdomen and the lining of the abdomen

becomes irritated.

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