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Attention: Know These Top 7 Unhealthy Habits That Causes Bloated Stomach!

The bloated stomach is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience.

It is a condition when the abdomen feels full and gaseous, and may also be visibly swollen (distended).

Many people have many unhealthy habits during this days that worsen their health.

Actually, they practice every day without realizing that they actually impede our digestion and make us feel bloated, cause indigestion and acid reflux.

Bloating is a condition that affects a large number of people.

The digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal pain and acid reflux usually occur after eating a heavy meal such as dairy products or acidic foods.

Luckily, in this article we will share to you some of the unhealthy habits that actually causes severe pain to you.

We listed below the Top 7 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloating, Indigestion & Acid Reflux

1. Alcohol – Alcohol is often notorious for causing bloat. It could be from the gluten in your favorite wheat or barley based beer or simply from the effect alcohol, of any type, can have on our guts.

2. Carbonated Drinks – Carbonated sodas and drinks can refresh and satisfy us when we are thirsty. However, they are not the best option for our body because they provide no nutritional benefits and they contain substances which inflame the stomach and cause various other digestive problems.

3. Drinking less water – Not drinking enough water is one of the most common bad habits. Dehydration causes your body to hold onto

whatever fluid it has. Gradually, this leads to stomach bloating.

4. Overloading On Fiber – Certain foods high in fiber, such as beans or cruciferous vegetables, can cause bloating in people who don’t eat them frequently. “Try incorporating these foods slowly into the diet to allow the gut to develop the bacteria needed to break them down.

5. Overeating – Sometimes bloating is caused by certain ingredients, and sometimes it really is just the case of excess food consumption. “Eating small, frequent meals, will help counter the need to eat large portions and overeat, which can cause bloating due to the heavy load of food that needs to be digested at one time.

6. Stress – Everyone knows that stress is bad for the body. But, did you realize that increased stress could exaggerate the symptoms of acid reflux? Stress increases the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that affects how digestion occurs.

Note: To help alleviate acid reflux, use a variety of stress relieving techniques, such as meditation, yoga and acupuncture.

7. Smoking – Many harmful chemicals enter your body when you smoke.

These chemicals weaken the muscle that connects the

stomach and the esophagus and is responsible for

preventing food from flowing back into the esophagus from the stomach. When this muscle doesn’t function properly, it can result in heartburn and increased gas buildup, leading to bloating.

We hope that this brief article is informative to you, share this post so that you can also inform others about this and might help them a lot.

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