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Woman’s cyst is one-of-a-kind; and not in a good way!

25-year-old woman diagnosed with dermoid cyst on ovary (or monster cyst) is fearing for her life. According to health website eMedicine Health, a dermoid cyst on ovary (or monster cyst) is a sac-like growth that is present at birth.

It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found on or in the skin. Dermoid cysts grow slowly and are not tender unless ruptured.

They usually occur on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back, and in the ovaries. What’s so ghastly about this monster-like humongous tumor is that its ‘components’ have some striking resemblance to some human body parts such as hair, teeth, bones and fats and it can grow up to the size of a fist. In a report by Bandila Xtra, a specialcase of a patient with monster cyst was featured.

She is Michelle Tolentino from Bulacan, she had dermoid cyst on ovary. Tolentino is a 25-year-old laboratory analyst by profession.

She said she found out that she has this tumor inside her when she was trying to get a medical certificate to get to work but her doctor noticed something wrong with her lab results. Her red blood cell count was consistently high so they decided to examine her uterus and discovered a huge mass underlying it.

Is it possible to prevent the problem? Prevention against dermoid cyst (monster cyst) does not exist, since its beginnings appear long before the birth of a woman — its is present at birth.

However, you can prevent the development of its complications. Regular gynecological and pelvic exams can be very helpful in determining if you are suffering from ovarian cysts. Symptoms of an ovarian cyst Often times, ovarian cysts do not cause any symptoms.

However, symptoms can appear as the cyst grows and that include:

* abdominal bloating or swelling

* painful bowel movements

* pelvic pain before or during the menstrual cycle

* painful intercourse

* pain in the lower back or thighs

* breast tenderness

* nausea and vomiting

How to use castor oil to soothe ovarian-related pain and cysts Castor oil therapy for ovarian-related pain and cysts consists of using a warm castor oil pack, which is supposed to be applied topically to the abdomen in order to stimulate blood flow to the ovaries and uterus.

Using the castor oil pack helps because the oil is easily absorbed by the skin and its healing components can easily transfer through the skin to the body tissues. When castor oil properties reach the tissues, it assists the body in illuminating inflammatory components such as prostaglandins.

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