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One Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Give These 6 Signs:

One Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Give These 6 Signs:

Heart attack is one of the common cause of death nowadays, in fact studies shows that someone is suffering heart attack every 43 seconds.

Heart disease causes different ailments that affect the heart such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects. Heart attack happens when the blood flow and oxygen in some sections of the heart are blocked making heart muscles die due to lack of oxygen.

But did you know that our body actually gives warnings and signs a months prior to the getting a heart attack? Below are some of the symptoms you could watch out for, it is advisable to immediately schedule an appointment with your doctor when you notice these signs:

Extreme fatigue

Experiencing fatigue is normal after dong extreme physical activities. However, constant feeling of fatigue and tiredness even in absence of physical activities could be a sign that may lead to heart attack.

Sleep disturbances

Having interrupted sleep might be our subconscious way of telling that something is wrong with our body. Waking up to pee or feeling extreme thirst in the middle of the night might be normal, but unexplainable sleep disturbance should be discussed to your health provider immediately.

Shortness of breath

When our heart does not get enough oxygen, we often feel shortness of breath and this could be a key warning that you heart is having some issues.


Certain spicy and irritating foods may cause indigestion but having a growling stomach every now and then is not normal and it could be an early warning sign of an upcoming heart attack.

Increased anxiety

Unexplained increase in anxiety attack should immediately be consulted to doctors.

Weak or heavy arms

When our heart does not get enough oxygen, the effect goes directly to your spine. When this happens, the nerves in connecting your heart, spine, and arms sends impulse which causes pain in the arms. Experiencing arm numbness is one major signs of getting a heart attack.

If you notice all of these signs happening to your body, go see a doctor as soon as possible. Share this information to your family and friends, who knows you might save someone’s life.

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