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If You See One Of These 8 Signs On Your Body, You Are Having Kidney Failure:

Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which are then excreted in your urine.

When chronic kidney disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes can build up in your body.

When this happens you may need to undergo dialysis or a kidney transplant just to survive.

Therefore, it’s better to know the early signs of kidney failure before it becomes life-threatening.

1. Swellings When kidneys start to fail at their “job”, they can get rid of excess fluids less and less and this will make the face bloated and swollen, also the joints and limbs.

2. Urination changes The most obvious and early signs are these:

– Trouble urinating – Pressure during the process – Dark urine, less frequent urinating and with small amounts – Pale color of urine, frequent and in large amounts – Foamy urine – Many urge to urinate during the night

3. Rash of the skin The waste buildup in our body can be linked to kidney failure – the skin gets a lot of rashes and itching. All the waste gets piled up in the blood and makes the skin look unhealthy, dry and irritated.

4. Fatigue When kidneys stop producing EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that makes more red blood cells, fatigue will occur and it will have an impact on the brain and muscles too.

5. Shortness of breath If the body doesn’t have enough oxygen, it is because of the low number of red blood cells that deliver the oxygen everywhere.

6. Taste of metal in the mouth/metallic taste The waste accumulated in the blood will change your taste to foods and even cause bad breath all the time.

7. Pain The ache in the upper back is another symptom of this condition – that is the same area more or less where kidneys are placed.

8. Bad concentration and dizziness Bad oxygen flow to the brain is a clear sign of serious anemia, but also kidney failure. It will mess up the focus and concentration, make you light headed and dizzy and cause memory troubles.

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