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Check Out These 8 Early Signs of Diabetes and How Can It A ects your Body and Health:

There are many kinds of metabolic disorder that most people are su ering about which limits their action and lifestyle.

The most common condition of metabolic disorder is diabetes. Most people who su er from this condition have a high blood sugar or blood glucose. Diabetes is a condition where the pancreas is not producing enough insulin which regulates the body to convert sugar into energy or the cells do not respond properly to insulin metabolize the glucose in the blood.

Here are the signs and symptoms of diabetes: Urinary incontinence People with diabetes are having a hard time in holding their urine in their urinary bladder because of the sugar that can't be metabolized in the kidney goes into the urine which draws more water from the body.

Slow wound healing

Excessive sugar in the blood impedes tissue healing and cellular regeneration. It makes the blood more viscous and does not promote blood clot because it breaks down easily. This promotes more bleeding in the injury site because the

wound does close itself.

Weight increase

The excessive and uncontrollable gain in weight is one of the factors that a ect diabetic persons because the body could not maintain a regular metabolism of carbohydrates and protein due to the insulin production is altered or decreased.

Dry and thirsty feeling

They experience the frequent urge to urinate and also makes them feel thirstier because of the excessive sugar in their blood. Most of the sugar in the blood which ows in the kidney are not absorbed easily and does go to the urine which attracts more uid in the body. Thus, the brain triggers the thirsty feeling to ll the liquid in the body.

Eye vision problem

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and the leading cause of vision impairment and blindness. It also induces swelling on some latter form which could damage the nerve cells of the eye. This condition is called diabetic macular edema.

Swelling and bruises

Excessive swelling of distal extremities accompanied with bruises are common symptoms of diabetes. Due to the poor condition of tissue and cellular healing, easy bruising is encountered in some cases.

Sexual impotence

This could induce problems in erection in male and dryness

of the vagina in the female. If you su er these symptoms, you must seek for a medical expertise and advice to prevent severe complications.


The brain induces the body to eat and crave food more often because of the anomaly in the metabolism of the body. It is urged to seek a medical advice to correct this condition.


A sudden extreme tiredness is one of the major symptoms of diabetes this is due to the high blood glucose that can cause fatigue through in ammation. The Blood vessel can be in amed by blood sugar and when this started to happen the monocytes cells come into the brain and caused fatigue.

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