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5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Suffer From Arthritis

Most of us, especially those coming into the late ages, suffer from arthritis. Normally, it causes chronic pains and is difficult to cure. Medication only lessen the pain, fatigue and other symptoms. Unfortunately relying on medication alone can cause more harm due to its side effects. Most people who suffer should change their lifestyle and diet to find relief. A lot of reports indicate that there are certain foods that aggravate and trigger the pain.

We have listed down the foods that you should avoid if you suffer from arthritis:


The most common food that you should avoid, sugar. Sugar causes high levels of insulin, that causes inflammation and thus worsen your pain. If you need to consume some sugar, do it by eating fresh fruits, no artificial or processed sugars and sweeteners.


Grains are not inflammatory on their own if you consume them, but gluten is. Gluten can be found in most baked goods and causes the growth of yeast fungus which may contribute to pain. Also, most arthritis patients seem to be more prone to gluten sensitivities.

Pasteurized milk

The experts insist that dairy and other animal products contain a special type of protein that contribute to arthritis or fibromyalgia. The tissue around the joints are being irritated by these proteins and thus, causes more pain. Many patients that suffer chronic pain have solved their issues by going vegan diet. Alternately, you should get your proteins from nuts, lentils, and quinoa and avoid milk.


This is a no-brainer, alcohol consumption especially in large doses can cause many health problems. It also cause joint pains, and regular drinkers have said to incur gout as well. Aside from this, alcohol also causes damage your intestinal flora and promotes fungal growth, which impairs the body's ability to detox.

Refined Vegetable Oils

Canola and corn oil contain much omega-6 fatty acids. This fatty acid can trigger inflammation and should be avoided. Instead, you can consume omega3 oils, seed and fruits. Omega-3 helps in minimizing inflammation and thus, reduced pain.

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